“Strong, balanced, ground-covering gait that is effortless.”

Phelix is a 3rd generation Krimson Doberman that was born on June 21, 2018. He was the only male in the litter and and we decided to keep him home to be a successful show dog and a key player in the future of Krimson Dobermans breeding program.
Phelix’s show career so far is short but sweet. He was shown in Louisville, KY owner-handled in the 6-9 puppy class and was awarded a 4 point major reserve. After a fun weekend of getting him some show experience, he literally took an entire year off from dog shows. The reason was simple, I don’t show my dogs unless they are at their absolute best.
Fast forward a year, Phelix was shown for his second time at the exact same shows (Louisville, KY). Unfortunately the shows were cancelled half way through due to Covid-19 but we were very fortunate to get a nice 3 point major win from the Bred by Exhibitor class on Friday the 13th of all days! (we didn’t have time to get a win photo sadly) Nonetheless we are very appreciative for Doberman breeder-judge Pat Hastings to find Phelix in an always competitive dog show!
After a six month layoff due to Covid-19, Phelix showed in Atlanta, GA owner-handled in October 2020, receiving 2 Reserve Winner’s Dogs and getting 2 BEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR wins at the Doberman Specialties and even beat the Winner’s Bitch for BEST BRED BY.
Phelix is the only male from our breeding (Drogo x Kaia). He represents a stunning pedigree with many Champions and Champion producers.
Phelix has beautiful square proportions with balanced angles. The balanced angles gives him balanced movement and he moves effortlessly. He gaits with a clean down and back that is smooth and in a straight line. His side gait covers ground with a proper single track.
He is strong, carrying beautiful muscle in his shoulders as well as his hind quarters that gives him power when he runs. His fit body and core also gives him a strong back as he gaits. His athleticism is breath taking, as he’s very coordinated and can turn on a dime. He is a natural, fit athlete and flexes as he walks.
His coat is thick with a natural oily shine to it. His rust markings are rich in color and was very noticeable even as a newborn.
His head is outstanding with beautiful head plains and a broad, masculine skull that’s pretty and not overdone. His earset is great which adds to his expression. He has a lovely almond-shaped dark eye that completes the entire regal expression.
Phelix has beautiful, large white teeth and a correct scissor bite. He has no missing teeth.
Phelix’s bone is round and is heavy which the standard states. His feet are tight and well knuckled.
His depth of chest is ideal without being too shallow or too deep, reaching the point of his elbow.
He has excellent tuckup which gives a beautiful outline of his underbelly.
His forechest is correct and not overdone that can alter the dog’s ability to move/work.
Born: March 21, 2018
Sire: GCh Argus’s Drogo Commander of the Khalasar v A’Monde
Dam: Krimson’s Raise Your Glass
Color Genotype (via DNA): Black #1 (Dominant Black)
vWD (via DNA): Clear
Congenital Vestibular Disease/Dings (via DNA): Normal/Negative
Holter 24 hours; Normal, 0 PVCs (May 4, 2020)
Kidneys: Normal (July 11, 2020)
Liver: Normal (July 11, 2020)
Thyroid: MSU pending
(All health testing and certificates are available upon request)
Contact us for more stud service information
Phelix’s Pedigree
(Click on the names in the pedigree to see photos)
Sire’s Sire: CH A’Monde’s Pierre Majestic Enchantment of Monaco
Sire: GCh Argus’s Drogo Commander of the Khalasar v A’Monde
Sire’s Dam: Ch Argus’s Morgana Memories of a Knight
Dam’s Sire: Am GCH Alpha’s The Conquistador RA ROM TDI BFL-1 LC-10D